Let’s just get it out of the way, this year sucked. While I personally didn’t feel any of the negative impacts of our embarrassment of a federal government, I know plenty of people who did and it’s been one frustration after another. It was virtually impossible not to get absorbed in watching the flaming spectacle, so I’m not surprised at how little I actually got done this year. It’s hard to get motivated to advance yourself when you see so many people getting kicked down and there’s nothing you can really do about it.
On the plus side, the tide appears to be turning in the right direction. We won’t know until the end of this year if the country truly wants to see things change, but at least for now we have a year of fighting experience that will help in the months to come. We have endured a lot and I have hope that this year will be better. We have to be better. I have to be better as well.
2017 in Summary
So a year ago I said that 2017 was going to be my proving year, the year that determines if my life is going to keep advancing or get stuck in a rut for a long time to come. I don’t know how true that is going to be, it felt like I took some steps forward and some steps backward, so I ended up back where I started. This disappoints me to some degree, but it also means that I don’t have to play catch up in the coming year.
In terms of advancing, the biggest thing that happened to me was switching teams and my job role at work. I have moved out of testing and I could not be happier about it. I am also pleased to be on a team that is building things that people in the organization appreciate and are excited about. I know that I was excited about things on my old team a year ago, but, as is often the case, things changed drastically and I didn’t see a bright future ahead there. I am sad to be out of the game development side of Amazon, but my current work is significantly more rewarding, so I have no regrets.
At home, things have largely stayed the same. We didn’t have to move this year, so we could just focus on making our townhouse better, and we are still very happy with where we are at. We also spent a good amount of time helping make improvements to the house we will likely be moving into in the future.
This year we focused on visiting new cities within the US with our vacation time. We visited Chicago in the summer, which was a lot of fun, with the highlight of seeing Hamilton. Just as an aside, that musical was the experience of the year for me. Seeing it was much more powerful than I expected it to be, and not a day has gone by since that I haven’t thought about it. I’ve listened to the soundtrack dozens of times and it still causes me to choke up from time to time. We will be seeing it again when it comes to Seattle and I could not be more excited.
Our other trips were focused around attending more PAX conventions outside of Seattle. We went to PAX South in San Antonio in January and PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia in November. San Antonio is a cute little city, and PAX South was a great time, it felt so much like old PAX and we are stoked to go again next week. PAX Unplugged had a similar feel, though I didn’t get to do as much as I enforced for the first time. Working at PAX ended up being more rewarding than I thought it would be, and I’m eager to do it again in the future. Philadelphia itself wasn’t much to write home about though. It was hard to be impressed when we had just come from five days in New York City, which was incredible. NYC has immediately become my second favorite city in the US behind Seattle. After PAX Unplugged we just wanted to go back there instead of home. Though I doubt it will happen, I could see myself happily living there for a few years.
On the going backwards side of things, my health has gotten worse over the year. Again, it has been hard to be motivated to be good when you are worried and frustrated a lot. I have also had difficulty adjusting to some of the changes I made. First, I ended up quitting the gym I was going to (OrangeTheory) because it was a hassle to get to since moving away from downtown and I felt like I had hit a plateau with it. Between that and not running anymore since hurting myself in 2016, I lapsed pretty bad in my exercise. After a few months of inactivity, I signed up for a CrossFit gym close to home, which I like a lot, but finding the right time to go has also been a struggle since their schedule is not as convenient and the workouts are more intimidating with my lack of fitness. The end result is that I’ve gained weight since a year ago and I feel worse in general. This is going to be an area of focus for me this year.
The last trip I made this year was just for myself, I went to a week-long bootcamp for self-improvement down in Los Angeles. On the whole, it was an amazing experience and I learned a lot. It was really rewarding seeing how much I was able to do in just a week, particularly with getting out of my comfort zone. Plus I met an excellent group of guys who I am proud to know and call friends. However, it has not ended up changing my life in the ways I had hoped, and that is entirely on me for not continuing the momentum I came back with. It is something that I would love to get back to doing this year, but there are some other things I need to fix before I can do that.
And then there’s the whole consume less, produce more goal that I set for 2017. We will get to that in more depth later, but suffice it to say that I utterly failed.
In the end, I am not happy with how 2017 turned out. Yes, plenty of good things did happen, some of my best memories in fact. But at the end of the year, I know that I haven’t taken care of myself physically or mentally this year, and I’m disappointed in myself for that. Hopefully I can use this disappointment as motivation to do better this year. I have already started making some adjustments, so I just need to buckle down and push forward.
Favorite Games
Horizon: Zero Dawn - This is the best game I played this year, hands down. It is rare to have a game where I enjoyed every bit from start to finish, but Horizon managed to do just that with great mechanics, a consistent challenge, and a fascinating setting with engaging characters. I haven’t had time to get around to the DLC yet, but I eagerly await that, and I hope to see a sequel of some kind in the future.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Another year, another Uncharted game, and to no one’s surprise I enjoyed the heck out of it. It doesn’t come anywhere near the greatness of Uncharted 4 from last year, but it is a fun romp with good ideas that I hope get integrated into future Naughty Dog games. The only real negative I can say is that, unlike the other games in the series, I don’t see myself ever coming back to it again later. Being a smaller adventure, it just doesn’t have the meat I want in something I come back to again and again.
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Came to this one a bit late, but it is an excellent game. It took everything the last game did well and improved upon them, resulting in a compelling adventure that I was happy to spend a lot of time in. I do have some quibbles, mainly that there were too many side quests and the controls didn’t feel as tight as the last game, which led to some frustration. But on the whole I think they did an excellent job and this is one I would not mind coming back to again in the future.
Favorite Movies/TV Shows
Baby Driver - I honestly find it surprising that this ended up ranking as my favorite movie of the year. I really enjoyed this movie and want to see it again, but it didn’t give me things to think about like most of my favorite movies do. Still, I didn’t see any other movie this year that exhilarated me in the same way. It is a movie dripping with style, character, and tension, which are always welcome to me.
John Wick - Yeah, we are really late to this one, but it is a great film and deserves mentioning here since we did see it this year. The only reason we haven’t also watched the sequel is because we are lazy and it wasn’t freely available at the time. It will likely be on this list next year if it’s of equal quality.
The Breadwinner - I was hoping to like this more than I did, since it is from the same people as Song of the Sea, which I loved. I did like the movie and I think it’s worth seeing for the message it provides, it was just missing something I can’t quite place my finger on. The main reason it is on this list is because of how it made me feel emotionally and how it stayed with me.
Your Name - This is actually very close to being my top movie of the year, but it falls just short. It is without a doubt my favorite Makoto Shinkai movie and probably the best anime film I’ve seen in years. I absolutely loved the first half of the movie, but it goes a bit long and astray in the second half, which keeps it from being my favorite movie of the year. I do intend to get it and watch it again to see how much more I’m able to get from it having seen it once.
Favorite Books
Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind - This is easily my book of the year. It is absolutely fascinating and left me with a lot to think about. This is one of those books that I feel should be a staple of education at the high school or college level. It has a lot to say about humanity from both a historical view and a philosophical view, so it would be nice to see it get discussed by more people.
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind - The movie version of this story has always been my favorite of Miyazaki’s films, and the manga version may just be my favorite manga from any author (Akira still ranks higher in my mind at the moment, but it is subject to change). The artwork is stunning and rich with detail, the story is riveting, and I just adore Nausicaä as a character. The world and other characters get a lot more time to blossom here as well and I enjoy them a lot more as a result. It was a long time coming since I’d wanted to read it for at least 15 years, and it did not disappoint.
As it turns out, when you set a nebulous goal with no specific targets, you don’t tend to stick to it very well. As mentioned earlier, the only goal I had this year was simple: consume less, produce more. I cannot think of how I could have done this worse than did. Instead of consuming less, I consumed significantly more than I did the previous year and I didn’t produce much of anything outside of work.
So this year, let’s be smarter and do the proper targeting for my goals like I had in the past. This year my focus is going to be on fixing the problems I introduced for myself during 2016. Once those are handled, I figure the rest will come in time.
Get Below 200 Pounds - Yes, I understand that weight is not directly correlated to how healthy you are as a person, but I’m going to use it as an indicator. The fact is that this past year my weight has slowly crept up to a level I haven’t seen in several years and I feel awful a large part of the time because of it. Eating poorly messes with my body and brain so I’m not able to be as productive as I want, nor can I exercise the way I think I should. So the goal here is to fix the eating habits and set aside more time for exercise, with losing weight as the easiest way to confirm that I’m on the right track. I’ve been below 200 pounds in the last few years, so I know it’s possible and I know I can get there again.
Reduce Distractions - I think more than anything, this is what killed my productivity this year. Between things like checking Twitter constantly for updates on what fresh hell was brewing up that day and getting sucked into YouTube channels with dozens of two hour long videos, I lost a lot of time to reading and watching things that didn’t help me in any significant way. These were particularly problematic at work, which is already distracting enough without the assistance of external forces. I don’t really have a set goal in mind here since it’s not an easy thing to quantify, but I feel like I will know it when I see it. At the very least I am going to try banning these distractions from work and keep them limited to certain times while at home.
Focus Fire - This also doesn’t have a specific goal in mind, but it’s a continuation of something I’ve been working on for years. Historically one of my biggest problems with completing things is that I see something new and want to try it out. I do this constantly, so when something new grabs me, the thing I was working on gets put aside for months or years. Another aspect of this is that when given many choices, I can’t commit to anything so nothing really gets done. There are a few things that can help with these. First, reducing the distractions as mentioned above, that gives me more time to consume and work on the things I want to (games, books, movies, etc.). Second, I have recently implemented a randomizer system to determine what to consume next, so I don’t have the decision paralysis anymore, and it helps keep my mind on that thing the system selected for me. Third, having dedicated time to consume things seems weird to many people, but it’s something that’s helped me a lot in the past, so I will be bringing it back in limited amounts. Once the systems are in place, I just need to force myself to let it guide me.
I think that’s enough ambition for one year. Obviously the focus for this year isn’t so much advancement as it is get back to a way of living I’m happy with. I have no doubt that things will change here and there as the year goes on, but this is a good place to start. Last year I said that the consume less, produce more thing will be so simple that I won’t need to write it down and reference it, but that didn’t work that well. So this year I will be putting these goals in my face on a weekly and daily basis to make sure they are never far from my mind. This is really taking advantage of the habits I’ve already established and using them to keep myself on the right path.
I will be better this year.