
If you are a first time visitor to Knoxinator Productions, welcome! If you have been here before and are wondering where all the old content went, I will explain that in a second. But for now, a little about myself.

My name is Chris Knox, I live in the beautiful city of Seattle, WA, and I make computers do fancy things for a living. Currently I live with my wonderful girlfriend of two years and my cat of eight years, both of which bring great joy into my life. In my spare time I like to play games, read, and catch a movie or a few episodes of a TV show here and there. Of course I also hang with my awesome friends when time allows, though that always gets tougher as everyone gets older.

Aside from all that, I also really like to be creative, which is the reason this website is here. This website is going to be my public repository for all the stuff I write and create. Ever since I was young, I've liked writing, so there will be plenty of that on here. More recently I have gotten into making music, which I do with my band No Viable Option (I play drums). I have also dabbled a little bit in making video games, but want to get more into that space. Other things I've done in the past include making videos and websites for myself and others.

So why isn't there any of that stuff on here yet? Mostly because a lot of it remains unfinished, or is not the final product I wanted. The only things I have that are finished are the videos I've made, but posting those would likely create legal hassles I don't want to deal with (copyrighted music and video clips and such). There is also my band's first album, but since that is not available online anywhere, I can't really point to it from here.

My goal is to make this a starting point and just go forward from here. I will post finished works on here when I get done with them. Done will not necessarily mean final drafts, as the feedback I get might get put into them, but done will be a close-to-final draft that I am content with.

In addition to that, I am also making it a goal to post something on the blog once a week, probably Sundays. I'm not going to hold myself to that super tightly, but I want to try to get something on here once a week if possible. The posts will be either musings on something I've found meaningful or inspirational lately, or will be on a topic that I feel is worth telling to others who may not have experience with it. Right now I already have two topics in mind that will give me at least five blog posts of content, so that is looking great already. I want my posts to be meaningful and not just the old status updates I used to give.

Sorry if this was a lot of information, but I wanted to lay the ground rules. Hopefully the stuff I make will be worthwhile to a lot of you reading it, or at the very least be interesting.

Look forward to my first post on Sunday about my thoughts on performance and productivity, based on my personal experiences trying lots of things I've learned about from experts on the subject.

Listening to: Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin